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CHU Inspect's role in responding to the catastrophe in North Queensland.

After the recent tropical cyclone Jasper in North Queensland, CHU Inspect has played a pivotal role in supporting CHU's catastrophe response.  

The storm on December 10 caused widespread loss and damage with over 6,300 claims lodged to date. Access and recovery were made more difficult with many areas cut off due to flooding and impacted roads. 

CHU Inspect is an innovative virtual inspection tool that has proven to be an invaluable asset, facilitating a more efficient and comprehensive approach to assessing the damage that occurred and expediting insurance claims reports. 

The in-depth inspections, images and reporting provided by CHU Inspect has allowed experts, including building consultants and engineers from across the country, to remotely view the damage without having to attend site. This was crucial with access to many places heavily impacted. These experts (regardless of their location) have been able to review the reports and provide immediate recommendations, streamlining the decision-making process and expediting the appropriate response to the damage. 

CHU’s on-site assessors have also benefited being able to triage high-risk damage in a safer more efficient way and speed up the communication to all stakeholders including owners, builders, strata managers and insurance brokers.  

Assessors were also able to attend more site visits, having the benefit of CHU Inspect comprehensively document and catalogue the site after completing their initial site inspection.  

CHU Inspect has become an invaluable addition to the CHU Services tool belt especially in catastrophe scenarios.  

“What has been a game-changer is the level of detail identified by CHU Inspect and the ease in which you can tag and annotate the damage in an interactive walk-through guide that can then be sent to the repairers”. Andrew Bond, CHU Inspect Manager  

If you are interested in learning more about CHU Inspect, reach out to Andrew and his team. Whether it is in a catastrophe situation or analysing general repair and maintenance work on a strata complex, this technology is leading the way over the traditional methods.